Anthony Lane
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) reduce the frequency of young sudden cardiac death through supporting CRY’s screening programme.
The aim is to fund the screening of young people within the local community.
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Julie Daire
Paul Lane
Many thanks to Rosemary and Richard on Charnwood Close for this donation ⭐️
Yvonne Upton
Happy to join our neighbours in donations to an excellent cause.
Paul Lane
Huge thanks to our wonderful neighbours on Charnwood Close who held a Street Party yesterday and collected this money for Anthony’s fund. We are so humbled and grateful. … Read more
Huge thanks to our wonderful neighbours on Charnwood Close who held a Street Party yesterday and collected this money for Anthony’s fund. We are so humbled and grateful. Penny and Paul xxx
Catherine Potter