A cheque for ยฃ1,255.30 was donated to the Therese Field memorial fund, the sum of which was raised by students and staff in Rothschild-Pearce House during our charity week. We have been liaising with Tara Challenor, our local CRY ambassador who kindly came to talk to the students in an Autumn assembly and again recently to acknowledge the funds raised. We are very grateful to Tara for her time.
The charity weeks for each of our four houses involve students and staff undertaking a range of events. This year included basketball and football shoot-outs, raffles, a fayre, chess and Rubix competitions, cake and pancake sales, request-a-tune, chocolate sales and soak the teacher. We are so pleased to note that the amount raised is the most in any charity week. We are in the process of identifying dates for the next academic year when cardiac screening may take place at the school. CRY will also remain the chosen charity for our house for the academic year 2023-24.