CRY launch a new, short animation video

On the 7th July 2013, CRY used the backdrop of its flagship fundraising event – the Heart of London Bridges Walk – to launch a new, short animation video demonstrating the impact of losing a young person to sudden cardiac death.

To launch the video to the public on as wide a stage as possible, CRY chose to use a social media message amplification platform known as Thunderclap.

Thunderclap enabled a single message to be sent out by CRY and its supporters at exactly the same time, helping create a bigger impact via the social media of Facebook and Twitter.


With the use of the Thunderclap platform, CRY has been able to increase its social media reach. The ’12 A Week’ animation video will now reach 195,789 people.

When the Thunderclap campaign was launched by CRY, the response was fast and large. Within 24 hours, CRY had over 50% of the supporters required to launch the thunderclap. By the end of the sign up period, CRY had 164% the required number of people signed up. 411 CRY supporters had lent their social media voice to the single message, to raise awareness of the devastating impact of losing a young per to young sudden cardiac death.

It is not too late to add your voice to this CRY awareness campaign – retweet, share and like this video anywhere you can to help spread the message.