CRY Update Magazine Issue 92

Issue 92 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2023.

During this time period CRY screened over 6,700 people including 2,812 young people at a family screening event, 2,667 at a school screening event, 702 at sport screenings, 339 people at CRYโ€™s head office in Leatherhead and 166 with thanks to the Young Windy Screening Fund.

This issue includes a piece on how the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk started (Page 12) and about the walks and talk groups set up to help those affected by YSCD.

In research there is an interview with former CRY Research Fellow Dr Joyee Basu on Empowering Hearts: Groundbreaking Research Redefines Exercise Guidelines for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. (Page 14)

Writeups on the Great North Run (Page 20), the Heart of Durham Walk 2023 (Page 24) and Raising Awareness Week including the 12 A week challenge and the CRY Great Cake Bake. (Page 28)

It also includes the CRY Medical Conference 2023 – Leading researchers gather at St Georgeโ€™s University of London, to showcase a portfolio of projects funded by Cardiac Risk in the Young. (Page 22)

CRY also visited the Senedd (Page 30) and Holyrood (Page 26) to raise support and get pledges from the MS’s and MSP’s to help CRY’s aim to achieve a National Strategy for the Prevention of Young Sudden Cardiac Deaths.

At the end there is a tribute to CRY supporter Alan Cousins written by Jackie Cousins. (Page 73)