Daniel Torrance

Daniel Torrance
6.11.02 – 24.7.21
To some Daniel was known as the main drummer in Fiddlesticks ( an East Lothian orchestra) – a young man who filled our house and the surrounding area with music and rhythm. But Daniel was also creative in other ways. He built things from sheds to trebuchets to computers, and always aimed for bigger and better. More recently he was interested in taking photos and videos of the beauty around him – he enjoyed the outdoors.
He died, far too young, after swimming with his brother and best buddy, Samuel, from a beautiful beach in the North West of Scotland. We had no idea that there was anything wrong with him until he started having palpitations. After he collapsed we tried everything in a desperate attempt to save him but he didn’t respond.
We have set up this Memorial Fund in Daniel’s name so that those of you who knew him might donate to Cardiac Risk in the Young and help raise awareness of this silent killer.
You may remember him for different things – he had an eye for beauty and an ear for beauty. As a family we remember him in everything we do because he was, and always will be, our beloved son and brother.
David, Ann, Sophie & Samuel Torrance
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Edwina Simpson
Remembering Daniel and all that he brought to the lives of his family and friends
June Rapson
Ann Torrance
Still missing you so very much.
Margaret Roud
Happy to donate to this worthy cause in memory of Daniel.
Rebecca Deighton
Sent with love and prayers.