Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) is the leading UK charity dedicated to preventing young sudden cardiac death. All CRY’s activities are directed towards supporting affected families and our ultimate goal of saving young lives.
CRY’s sustainability aims and objectives are shaped by the three pillars of sustainability – social, environmental and economic.
CRY’s Chief Executive and senior managers are all members of the Sustainability Team. The Sustainability Team is dedicated to managing the impacts of CRY’s office, screening programme, support services and employees, in terms of energy consumption, water usage, waste, recycling, travel and supply chains.
The Sustainability Team regularly consider sustainability matters, through having ‘Sustainability’ as a permanent agenda item for the monthly senior managers meeting.
CRY will:
- aim to operate in compliance with all relevant environmental legislation;
- promote environmental and sustainability awareness among its employees;
- reduce waste through re-use and recycling;
- promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout its premises (particularly those that are non-renewable) including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources
- avoid unnecessary use of hazardous materials / products and seek non-hazardous substitutes when feasible;
- purchase and use environmentally and ethically responsible products;
- review Sustainability Policy on an annual basis.