Jamie-Leigh Rose
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death, support those affected, support CRY’s screening programme and fund research and pathology.
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Read Update 87 here! Issue 87 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from January to April 2022. Our first piece of major news in this period came at the start of Heart Month in February, as we announced the renewal of our partnership with Sunrise...

Read CRY Update 86 here Issue 86 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2021. There were a lot of major fundraising events in this four-month period after so many had been cancelled over the last two years due to the pandemic....

Read Update Magazine Issue 85 here Issue 85 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2021. From June, fundraising and screening levels started returning to pre-COVID levels as events around the country started picking up and we returned to holding regular screening...

William's Rainbow fundraiser for cardiac risk in the young on the 3rd of July raised a grand total of £1,866.15 In memory of Jamie-leigh rose 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Williams great cake bake 26th November 2021 for Cardiac Risk in the Young raised a grand total £300.04 Thank you so much for helping us support this amazing charity in memory of Jamie-Leigh rose 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

Read issue 84 of the CRY Update magazine here Issue 84 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from January to April 2021. In February as Heart Month began, we introduced an exciting new fundraising initiative: the 25 Million Metre Challenge. Supporters could take part individually...

William would like to raise money for CRY Cardiac Risk in the Young. William had lots of ideas so we thought we would do a fundraiser in memory of Jamie-Leigh. We will have cakes of many varieties individually package so very COVID safe, hot and cold drinks along with a...

“Our daughter Mia tragically lost one of her best friends Jamie-Leigh in December 2019, to myocarditis, a day we will never forget when the news broke that her friend had died in her sleep. For a nine year old it was really tough along with her other school friends they...
Make a donation
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Sally Lawrence
DNATA donated this money from our Christmas raffle in memory of Jamie Leigh Rose
Amount Donated
Amount Donated
Kady Cartwright
Amount Donated