Launch of CRY's new short film about young sudden cardiac death

On Wednesday 26th November CRY launched a short film which will be one of our most powerful and emotive campaigns to date. This launch is part of CRYโ€™s ongoing mission to raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death and to highlight the importance of our pioneering cardiac screening programme.

Many families have said we need to do more to raise awareness and we need to make more people aware that these young sudden deaths can happen. We are sensitive to the fact that some of our bereaved families might not want to watch the film; but there are still too many occasions where symptoms are dismissed because of the apparent good health of a young person. We believe it is now time to take a stronger stand and break the misconception that fit and healthy young people cannot die suddenly of an undiagnosed, potentially genetic, heart condition.

The message we want people to take home is: this can happen, but it can be prevented.
The film was launched via social media through CRY supporters on Wednesday 26th November at 8am.

From 8am onwards on Wednesday, we would greatly appreciate it if you could please re-tweet or share the film via social media platforms; or even send your own message about the film to your friends / followers / fans.

CRY_004The film was developed for CRY by BBH (Bartle Bogle Hegarty) who are an internationally renowned organisation. CRY has not paid anything towards the development or production of the film. All aspects of the film have been donated by BBH, their staff and associates, who worked on the project with David Lynch, a Creative Producer at BBH London.

Thank you to David and everyone who has offered their incredible support to this project.

Through raising awareness young lives are saved.
Please help by spreading the word.