London Marathon 2015 training blog – Ruth Scott (nee Hobbs)

May 2015

Ruth Scott holding medalI’m currently sat on a beautiful beach in Dubai writing this, and I can’t quite believe I am one of the (less than) one million people worldwide who have taken part in the London Marathon over its 35 years of existence.

We made it! And I say ‘we’ as, since I first started my training up until now, I have really felt part of the wonderful CRY family. The support I have received from everyone at CRY is what got me through the training and those 26.2 miles: Alison, Cara and Becky to name a few have been wonderful in their organisation and encouragement; Nat and his teamโ€™s smiling faces and enthusiasm on the gloomy morning of the marathon helped to dispel the nerves; the supporters who gave encouragement all the way round were absolutely amazing, particularly the couple at mile 18 (I’m sorry I don’t know your names) who got me going again when I was really struggling; the smiling faces (and Ollie the photographer) who gave us a much-needed welcome when we crossed the line; the volunteers who organised the wonderful CRY reception and gave us the best massages of our livesโ€ฆ I could go on and on. It really was a team effort, and I cannot thank you all enough. Every single one of you contributed to getting me to the finishing line.

The CRY runners that I met en route โ€“ Kev, Tony, Laura and Adam (HUGE congratulations to them on their finishing line engagement), Sheona (congratulations on your TV appearance!) and Fiona who I met at the finish line (she looked like she had strolled round the park she looked that good) โ€“ were a great support and all did themselves proud, as I am sure all of the CRY runners did.

So my marathon experience was fabulous: I loved the first 16 miles; I had friends and family at 7.5 miles, 14 miles, 15 miles and, thankfully the CRY supporters at 18 miles, as I struggled between 16 and 18 miles; I got going again at 19 miles; and had friends and family at 22. A lovely spectator gave me a sip of her wine at 23 miles, which refueled me temporarily! The crowd were amazing, like nothing I have ever experienced and probably never will again, and I would have got on my knees and crawled from 24 miles but for the crowd that carried me to the end.

The marathon was an amazing experience for me, but never again! The training was horrible, but it was worth it. I finally have a response to my ‘greatest achievement’ question in an interview! And although I was always a massive CRY supporter, I have seen first hand what goes into all the work they do to fundraise. I had the easy bit in running, and I will do everything I can to support CRY in future. Just not the marathon… Maybe a sky dive next year โ€“ it involves less training!

24th January 2015

So, I thought by now this running lark would be getting easier. I can safely say itโ€™s not. In fact, only yesterday I intended to run 15km, got to 8km, had a tantrum and decided I couldnโ€™t do it, and came home. I just hope I donโ€™t have a day when my legs feel like lead and I have zero energy on 26 April.

The negatives are increasing: going out running is becoming ever more time consuming as the distances increase, and itโ€™s definitely got colder โ€“ plus 26 April seems scarily close now we have started the New Year.

After my meltdown yesterday, my husband Andy (who is a Patron of CRY) bought a bike and is going to come out with me on my long runs. Itโ€™s lucky Iโ€™m not breaking any records with the speed of my running considering he has a heart condition! As the last time he rode a bike was at least ten years ago I have a feeling my long runs will be fairly entertaining in the future.

I am determined to find some positives. I have managed to run as far as 19km, which is nearly a half marathon and is where I wanted to be at this point in my training. And I havenโ€™t had the usual January weight loss battle, as I am burning a fair few calories while running three times a week, for anywhere between four and five hours a week.

Another positive is that I have been organising a fundraising party with a friend of mine who is also running the Marathon. We are holding our party over Easter weekend at our local cricket club, who have given us the venue free of charge, and we are delighted to have X Factor contestant Charlie Brown (who got as far as the judgesโ€™ houses) coming to sing. With ticket sales, an auction and a raffle, we are hoping to raise a fair amount for both our charities. If anyone in the Essex area would like to join in, or would like to make a donation to our raffle or auction, please do not hesitate to contact me on [email protected].

A big plus point is that I have been lucky enough to remain injury free. Hopefully this will continue to be the case.

I have continued to run when I am away working in Dubai, which I have found a lot easier; the temperature in the mornings there now is perfect. It is definitely a lot easier to get out of bed in the morning to run when the sun is shining and itโ€™s not minus degrees! Andy and I have a holiday planned next week to Mexico, where I will continue my โ€˜warm weatherโ€™ training. I wonder if they have โ€˜Boris bikesโ€™ in Mexico for Andy to join meโ€ฆ

The biggest positive for me is that Mike Gapes MP has very kindly agreed to let me run the Marathon in memory of his daughter Rebecca, which is a true honour for me. I will run with her name on my running vest, and she will be my inspiration.

So I keep plodding on, hoping that the snow will stay away and that I donโ€™t have a recurrence of yesterdayโ€™s lack of energy. Please keep your fingers crossed for me; I have a feeling I am going to need all the help I can get to get me through the next few monthsโ€™ training!

If you would like to sponsor me, the link to my Virgin Money page is

Any donations would be very much appreciated.

November 2nd 2014

Firstly let me introduce myself… My name is Ruth, and my defining feature for the purpose of this blog is that I am a non-runner! I used to enjoy athletics as a child, but that was a long time ago and I definitely havenโ€™t carried that interest (in participation at least) into my adult years.

My husband, Andy Scott, is a Patron of CRY and he was lucky enough to be introduced to the charity when he was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in 2005 when he was playing professional football for Leyton Orient. Like many other people involved with CRY, he found it to be a great source of both information and support to him and his family at a very difficult time.

Since meeting Andy in 2010, I have been to various CRY events, but the event at the Houses of Parliament in November last year really made me realise how lucky I am that Andy is still here with us, and how amazing the charity is. Hearing peopleโ€™s personal stories, how brave and strong they have been in the face of terrible circumstances, and how much good work is being done supporting the families of victims of sudden adult death syndrome, carrying out research and raising awareness, I felt like I really needed to do more. Mike Gapes MP was truly inspiring.

In hindsight I should have signed up for a bungee jump, or a skydive (anything that doesnโ€™t involve training!) but seeing as both my parents have completed the London Marathon โ€“ my dad in 1984, and my mum in 2000 โ€“ I thought I would try my hand at marathon running, for one time only. After all, thousands complete it every year; it couldnโ€™t be THAT difficult….

Now I am approximately six weeks into my training, and I couldnโ€™t have been more wrong. I have a new-found respect for anyone who has undertaken this challenge.

So the training began at the end of September, when the days were longer, there was very little rain, and it was still nice and warm. We joined the gym as a family (I think in an attempt to make exercise seem more friendly!), we invested in some smart running trainers (in an attempt to make running seem more appealing โ€“ I like wearing new things!) and I started running. Aimlessly really. I started out running twice a week, for about 20 to 30 minutes a time, along with personal training once a week, which I have always done. I soon realised that while I could run for 20 to 30 minutes, I unfortunately wasnโ€™t going to get round a marathon in that time! So I bit the bullet and asked my dad, who is a qualified coach, albeit a sprint coach, for his expert advice. To which he produced the training plan he used from the Mars 1984 London Marathon. So I am going to get through this marathon retro style.

Month 1 has involved training every other day, varying training between (a) short runs (15 to 25 mins) at the best speed I can manage; (b) medium length runs (30 to 40 mins) at a pace that still allows me to talk; and (c) fartlek (a Swedish word meaning โ€˜speed playโ€™) for 30 minutes โ€“ this consists of my own cocktail of walking, jogging (the biggest ingredient in my cocktail!), slow running and fast running, and hill work; and (d) long run/walk for 1 to 1 1/4 hours. (a) to (c) have been โ€˜doableโ€™. (d) not so much. I work in Dubai for one week in a month and during my first โ€˜long runโ€™ I didnโ€™t anticipate how quickly the sun would rise and get strong, was running around what I thought was a 1km track but it was actually 3km, and left my water at the start/finish point. Not my best move in 30 plus degrees. In contrast, my latest โ€˜long runโ€™ at home involved me getting to the furthest point from my house and the heavens opening. Iโ€™m not keen on getting my hair wet when swimming, let alone running. I will be sure to try to appreciate my warm weather training in future.

And so I trudge on to month 2, in much more wintery conditions, and minus enthusiasm for running. However, on the plus side I have a new delivery of running clothes coming tomorrow, which will spur me on. And if it ever gets difficult I will think of the stories that I heard at the CRY event last November, and will stop moaning, get on with it and thank my lucky stars that I have never had to face the circumstances of the people I have met at CRY (as I clearly donโ€™t have a tiny percentage of their strength) and be grateful that CRY was there to support my husband and his family โ€“ and I will keep going at trying to give my little bit back.

If you would like to sponsor me, the link to my Virgin Money page is

Any donations would be very much appreciated.