Luke Powell

On the 22nd September 2023 my amazing beautiful son Luke was taken from me suddenly at the age of 23, to an undiagnosed heart condition (LVH). Luke was generally fit and well although he was awaiting surgery which was unrelated. Luke had lost weight and always seemed tired but I put this down to his lifestyle as he was always on the go and out all hours.
Luke was a charismatic, fun loving, lively, kind hearted, full of life, with everything done 100 miles an hour kind of person. He loved anything the outdoors had to offer, especially cars, motorbikes, green laning, anything dangerous, loud and noisy!
He always had to be busy helping others or getting into mischief. Luke always had a story to tell of the antics he had been up to mostly with his friends! His smile & laugh were infectious. He also had a soft and gentle side especially when it came to his younger brothers who he loved dearly, he was an over protective older brother and taught them all the things he shouldn’t, but in an endearing way.
It has left a massive unimageable void and deep emptiness losing Luke, there are no words that can describe the pain. I feel a piece of me has died with him. Everyday is a struggle without him I have to put on a brave face, hold back the tears and pretend everything is ok for his brothers, but my heart is shattered. I will carry this pain for the rest of my life. I think about him every minute of everyday & lie awake at night thinking of all the if’s, but’s and should of’s but there are none. Nothing that can bring him back! It breaks my heart to see his brothers so upset. They find comfort in watching all the crazy videos we have of him, and this is all we have—the memories. But that’s where it ends, there are no more to be made. I will never be able to watch Luke achieve any more milestones. There is one thing I can do, and that is to raise awareness and support CRY as Luke’s legacy to prevent another family going through this unbearable pain.
‘One life live it! You never know if tomorrow will come’.
Shine Bright Lukey Soaky, love mother bear x
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death, support those affected, support CRY’s screening programme and fund research and pathology.
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Sam Pitt
In memory of Luke
Arco Recreational Social Engagement Squad
Sarah Hall