Michelle McFeely

My girlfriend, Michelle McFeely of Coleraine, died on 25th January 2008 aged 30.

Post mortem was carried out, but no cause of death was found. When speaking to her sister she said her father's side had a history of problems with the heart.

Michelle had a monitor from the hospital which measured heart palpitations, as she had them very occasionally – but the week and a half she had the monitor she didn't have any, so obviously the monitor couldn't register anything.

A week before she died she suffered from a nasty bout of flu but thought it was going away so returned to work. The second night back at work she walked home and it was very cold and windy. I texted her at 12.30am and she said she was fine and going to bed.

I returned home around 7.30am and discovered her dead in her bed.

I'm now waiting on tests to come back that they did on her heart to see if they could find a reason for her death.

My girlfriend was always healthy and never suffered from colds or any other illnesses.

She always breathed through her nose when sleeping and complained to me when she had the flu that she couldn't sleep because her nose was blocked.

I'm obviously mystified to why she has died and ask myself everyday ""why?""

It helps me reading other people's stories and what there are going through – knowing I'm not the only one. I'm only 28 and was with my girlfriend for 3 years and she passed just 5 weeks before my son's 2nd birthday.

Darren Crawford