More Than £3000 Raised for Heart Screenings in Memory of Freya Dalrymple

The Orcadian, 8th April 2019

Over £3000 was raised from a Sunday morning walk in Kirkwall, Orkney in memory of Freya Dalrymple. It was the second ‘Walk for Freya’; an event organised by the family and friends of 17 year old Freya, who passed away on Christmas Eve 2014 due to an undiagnosed heart condition. After her death, Freya’s family began fundraising for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) to support heart screenings for young people. “Really, I am so grateful to all the people who have taken part in the Walks for Freya and to everyone who has given donations to date,” Freya’s mother, Ingrid, said. “We definitely plan to hold another walk in two years time and as I said before we will do a screening every year that we are able to do it. This really is so worth it as heart screening can reduce Young Cardiac Death by 89 percent.” Read More