Myra Jean Locock
11th January 1941 – 17th March 2022.
Much loved wife, mother and Grandma.
This memorial fund has been set up by the family to help CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) raise awareness of young sudden cardiac death, support those affected, support CRY’s screening programme and fund research and pathology.
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Norman Locock
Proceeds from this year's quiz at South Hill Village Hall - entry fees and sundry donations gratefully received.
Norman Locock
Proceeds from this year's quiz at South Hill Village Hall - entry fees and sundry donations gratefully received - Myra would be so surprised and delighted at the total … Read more
Proceeds from this year's quiz at South Hill Village Hall - entry fees and sundry donations gratefully received - Myra would be so surprised and delighted at the total, a big thank you to everyone
Sue Palmer
Donation from all at South Hill Horticultural Show.
Norman Locock
Some anonymous cash donations - thanks to all concerned