Promoting your fundraising

Pre-event Promotion

Adding your event to the CRY upcoming events page

If your event is open for other CRY supporters to attend, we would be pleased to promote it via our website on the upcoming events page (  To get your event on our website, please visit and fill in the details.


Post-event Promotion

Promoting the results of your fundraising efforts

Whether it’s a quiz night, cake sale or skydive, we love featuring write-ups of all the different fundraising activities people get up to. Not only will this help promote your efforts but also inspire future fundraisers.

Sending in a write-up is easy! Simply upload the information to or email to [email protected] and once it has been approved, it will be published.  We would ask you to include a short (150-300 words) explanation of the day as well as two or three photographs. If your fundraising was in memory of someone, please include this too.

When putting together your write-up, it may be useful to think about:

  • What were the special or stand out moments?
  • What was the atmosphere like?
  • What were people saying about the event?

This write-up will then be featured both on the fundraising write-up section of our website ( and in the Update magazine

CRY publishes this tri-annual magazine which features news from our CEO, features on big events and a section devoted to all the fantastic fundraising that CRY supporters take part in. Fundraising is featured in the Update based on when we sent receipt of funds.


Contacting your local press

The UK-media is fast paced and ever-changing and it can be daunting – especially if you’ve never spoken to a journalist before! But it is also a fantastic way to spread awareness of CRY by reaching out to vast local audiences.

CRY works with an independent press team from Trinity PR who are able to ensure the charity can make the most of the press opportunities presented to them.  As part of their work with CRY, they also help CRY families to present their inspiring stories and fundraising efforts to the press and aim to give as much support as possible.

This support can take various forms including…

Talking it through….

Trinity PR is pleased to listen to our fundraiser’s ideas and work with them to formulate a plan! They know lots of journalists and what they’re writing about. They also know what they need and what will increase the chances of creating positive headlines for CRY.

Offer media training

Trinity PR can use their vast experience to talk you through key messages, sample questions and provide vital tips & preparation advice prior to potential interviews that might be arranged

Give your campaign a kick-start!

Knowing the right person to contact is key to placing powerful articles in relevant media and, if published online too, our social media team might be able to give it an extra push via CRY’s social media platforms.  This can really help to get the local community behind your plans.

Help you to reach targets/sell tickets/fill up your screening ….fast!

There are many ways that you can use the press to help you fulfil the potential of whatever event you are organising.  These can include regional press releases; local radio interviews; setting up media visits on the day of the event or doing a piece to show the success of an event after it is complete!

CRY Representatives

We fully understand that for some people, the thought of approaching the press is too daunting.  We realise however you might not want to miss out on the opportunity to increase awareness and so, where appropriate, we can suggest a local volunteer Representative from CRY who may be able to come along to your event and speak to your media on behalf of yourself and CRY.

Whilst we can’t write a press release for everyone, we can provide contact details of local media and key CRY info; up-to-date and media friendly template press releases for you to amend & “fill in the blanks”

If you would like to contact Trinity PR to discuss anything to do with press coverage, please call 0207 112 4905.