Read Update 88 here! Issue 88 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2022. During the four-month period, we screened over 7,000 people with 6,972 being screened at family screening events. Furthermore, CRY’s Research Team was recognised at the British Cardiac Society with some members even receiving awards.
Adam Dabell
Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy football match
On the evening of Thursday 13th October, East Grinstead Town Football Club were host, once again, to the 18th annual ‘Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy’ football match between Imberhorne and Sackville Sixth Forms – in celebration of the life of our son Adam and to raise voluntary contributions to the charity ‘CRY’ (Cardiac Risk in
Update Magazine Issue 86
Read CRY Update 86 here Issue 86 of the CRY Update magazine covers all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2021. There were a lot of major fundraising events in this four-month period after so many had been cancelled over the last two years due to the pandemic. This started with the Great North
CRY Update Magazine Issue 80
Read Update 80 here CRY Update 80 reports on all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2019. September got underway with the Great North Run, as 50 runners representing CRY took part. You can read more on page 22. To start October we held the 10th CRY Durham Walk, with 219 supporters gathering to
16th Annual Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy
(Credit to former Mayor Rex Whittaker – who always attends for the whole match – for the above photo’s.) On the evening of Thursday 10th October, East Grinstead Town Football Club were host, once again, to the 16th annual ‘Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy’ football match between Imberhorne and Sackville 6th Forms – in celebration,
Update Magazine Issue 77
Read Update 77 here CRY Update 77 reports on all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2018. There were plenty of major events throughout this four-month period. We were thrilled to be so well represented at the Great North Run on September 9, with 50 runners taking part for CRY. You can read a
Update Magazine Issue 65
Read Update 65 online here. The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
Update Magazine Issue 68
Read Update 68 online here. The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
15th Annual Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy
On the evening of Thursday 11th October, East Grinstead Town Football Club were host, once again, to the 15th annual ‘Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy’ football match between Imberhorne and Sackville schools – in celebration, once again, of the life of my son Adam Dabell and to raise voluntary contributions to the charity ‘CRY’ (Cardiac
Annual Adam Dabell Memorial Football Match
On the evening of Thursday 12th October, East Grinstead Town Football Club were host, once again, to the 14th annual ‘Adam Dabell Memorial Cup and Trophy’ football match between Imberhorne and Sackville schools – in celebration, once again, of the life of my son Adam Dabell and to raise voluntary contributions to the charity ‘CRY’ (Cardiac