CRY Update Magazine Issue 83

Read Issue 83 of the CRY Update magazine here Issue 83 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from September to December 2020. Even with continued restrictions and lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic, CRY’s supporters remained active and engaged as always to raise funds and awareness however they could. On October

CRY Update Magazine Issue 81

Click here to read Update 81 Issue 81 of the CRY Update reports on all news, events and fundraising from January to April 2020. This is also the first issue of our new and improved digital editions of the Update, featuring links throughout that will take you straight to relevant pages on the CRY website, social

Adrian Marchant

My bright loving son died at the age of just 18. He came home from university for Christmas, full of life and excitement at seeing his friends again and telling us how much he was enjoying Southampton studying geophysics. On the morning of 2nd January 1982 I sat on his bed, asking him what he would