My walk for CRY in Preston

Myself and hubby along with our daughter son in law and grandchildren, my sister Mags McSweeney Paul Maddock and Rachel Grimshaw, and family friends all walked in Preston for the My walk for CRY London Bridges walk. Our dear friends Dulcie and Keith Atkins provided a tombola in the pub garden where the walk started […]

Preston memorial walk and fundraiser for CRY

Read the full article here A woman has set up a local walk in Preston to raise money for Cardiac Risk in the Young charity (CRY). Ann Coles started fundraising for free heart screenings for people aged between 14 and 35 years old, after her son, Andrew collapsed and died suddenly in 1997, waiting at a bus […]

POP up Shop

We held a pop up shop at Fox Lane Cricket club, which made us a total of £216, the Silver Fox bingo club gave us £184 to make the total up to £400. Marlene Norris who runs the bingo was so very kind in making up the running total.

Heartfelt group and Dunbia group

CRY and the Heartfelt Group have been chosen by Dunbia Company in Preston to be supported as one of their charities of the year. After attending a meeting with Rachel Lawson and Shirley Hayes we were presented with a cheque for £500 to be added to our screening fund in the name of Stevie Wiggins. […]

BBC Radio Lancashire Making a Difference award

Last year I was nominated for a BBC Radio Lancashire Making a Difference award, I was truly amazed when I received the phone call advising me of the nomination, I’ve been raising funds and awareness for CRY since 1998 after the death of my son Andrew in 1997 at the age of 21, it’s just […]

Why do I support CRY – 2023

Why Do I Support CRY? – 2023 During Heart Month 2023, CRY launched ‘why do I support CRY?’. The campaign aimed to personify and tell the stories behind CRY. We asked our supporters to send in their reasons for supporting CRY so we could share across our social media what CRY means to so many. […]

Silver Fox Bingo club

I was recently contacted by the Silver Fox Bingo club in Leyland who had heard about Heartfelts quest to raise awareness and fundraise for screenings, I was invited to go along and tell them a little bit about our group and accept a cheque for £200. This is an amazing amount from a small group […]

Christmas Fair and Christmas raffle

I had a stall at a local Christmas Fair yesterday helped by my little Granddaughter Emily my daughter and a great supporter of CRY Jean Smit the weather was foul and probably kept a lot of people home but we managed to raise £85. I also did the draw for a wonderful donation of a […]

Awareness day at Preston College

Myself and Sheila Wiggins were at Preston College on the 18/10/2023 spreading awareness at the Freshers day. We are very pleased to be invited to these days as it’s a great opportunity to spread awareness to so many young people. This year we had the BBC North West film crew there interviewing myself and Sheila, […]

The Visitors playing live at the Rafa Club Leyland

Last night we held a fundraising evening at the RAFA club Leyland, The Visitors aka Russell Parry and Tom Cook were amazing and had everyone up dancing all night. DJ Mac aka Dec filled in and played us out. They all gave their time free to help raise money for our future screening fund. A […]