CRY Update Magazine 51

Read Update 51 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.

CRY Update Magazine 53

Read Update 53 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.

CRY Update Magazine 52

Read Update 52 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.

BUPA London 10,000 2010

Congratulations and thank you to the 19 CRY runners who took part in this event on Bank Holiday Monday, May 31st 2010. Among the CRY entrants were those running as part of corporate teams from Calor Gas and Enrich. The first CRY runner to cross the finish line was Peter Commane, who finished in an incredible