Waddell Family Screening

On Saturday 18th March, the Altringham Methodist Church, in Altringham, hosted the Waddell Family screening, in memory of Chloe Waddell. 102 young people were screened on the day.

Screening in memory of Adam Lewis

105 young people were screened in memory of Adam Lewis in Warrington on 11th February 2017. David Lloyd Warrington hosted the event.  

CRY Update magazine 71

Read Update 71 here CRY Update 71 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from September to December 2016.ย In this period, we held our annual Raising Awareness Week โ€“ including our most successful CRY Great Cake Bake yet. We also saw fantastic support for the Great North Run in September with over 70 runners

CRY Update Magazine 69

Read Update 69 here CRY Update 69 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2016. CRYโ€™s biggest awareness event in this period was our BBC Lifeline appeal, broadcast on BBC One and Two in February, presented by CRY Patron Pixie Lott. She not only made her West End debut that