CRY Update magazine 71

Read Update 71 here CRY Update 71 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from September to December 2016.ย In this period, we held our annual Raising Awareness Week โ€“ including our most successful CRY Great Cake Bake yet. We also saw fantastic support for the Great North Run in September with over 70 runners

JCB Mud Run in memory of Jacki Fisher

On 18th June 2016, myself and 12 others members of my family completed the JCB Mud Run in memory of my Auntie Jacki Fisher, who was also a Mum, Wife, Sister, Daughter and Friend. We raised money for 3 significant charities close to our hearts. Altogether we managed to raised ยฃ1334.12, therefore each of our charities