Read Update 67 online here. The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.
Nathan Foley
CRY Update Magazine 64
Read the magazine here Issue 64 of the CRY Update looks back at a busy CRY summer from May to August 2014. Our flagship raising awareness event, the CRY Heart of London Bridges Walk, features in this issue with a full report and photos from the day. Also prominent is our Patron Pixie Lott’s terrific tour
CRY Update magazine 63
Read the magazine here This latest mailing brings you Issue 63 of the CRY Update, which looks back at CRY news and events from January to April 2014. A key fundraising and awareness raising event during this part of the year is, of course, the London Marathon; and you will find a write-up and photos of
Father of Nathan Foley praises his fundraising friends
Bucks Free Press – 9th May 2014 The father of Nathan Foley said he is “honoured” after his son’s friends raised over £1000 to help prevent young sudden cardiac death. Read more
London Marathon 2014
Congratulations and a huge “thank you” to the 108 runners who ran the 2014 Virgin Money London Marathon for CRY on Sunday 13th April. As always, we are very proud of you all and very grateful to you for your fantastic efforts to raise awareness and funds for CRY. Next year’s race date is Sunday 26th
The Songbirds Christmas Concert in memory of Nathan Foley
Our Christmas concert raised over £700 for CRY this year and was held in memory of Nathan Foley, a seventeen year old sixth former at Great Marlow School who collapsed and died suddenly while kicking a ball around with friends. The Songbirds is a group led by our Choral Director, Sophie Juge, made up of ladies
Father of Nathan Foley released tribute to his son
Bucks Free Press, 24th May 2013 “Nathan was a truly unselfish lad who always had time for others. He had many friends and had many interests but his passions were music and football. He had a developed sense of humour and he had a social and moral conscience which was why he was planning to read