Update Magazine Issue 31

Read Update 31 online here. The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.

CRY Update Magazine 54

Read Update 54 online here The CRY Update is the charity’s newsletter, published three times a year, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supporters’ fundraising over the preceding months.

West Postcard

Families from across the West of England joined together to help launch a major regional campaign to highlight the shocking statistic that 12 young, apparently fit and healthy young people (aged 35 and under) are tragically dying every week in the UK from previously undiagnosed heart conditions. A poster-sized version of an emotive new postcard –

County boy's photo featured in cardiac campaign

A photo of a 15-year-old boy from Worcestershire who died suddenly due to an undetected heart condition features on a provoking new postcard to raise awareness of cardiac death in the young. Robert Poysor will be seen alongside seven other young people, including 32-year-old Scott Alan Jackson, also from the county, who all lost their lives