Tim’s heartbreaking story of his son on This Morning

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This Morning viewers were left in tears on Tuesday as a caller broke down over their grief in a heartbreaking phone in segment.

During the latest instalment, the ITV chat show aired a ‘coping with grief’ segment, where viewers were encouraged to phone in to ask agony aunt Deidre Sanders for advice. One caller, Tim, rung the show and Deidre to seek guidance over coping with grief after the sudden death of his son aged 35.

Tim explained that his son had a sudden cardiac arrest three months ago and tragically died. Speaking to Deidre, Tim broke down on the call as he said: “Just forgive my emotions, three months ago today, I lost my son aged 35, a sudden cardiac arrest at an event. To cut a long story short, my other son heard the commotion, they tried to save him, bring him back, they couldn’t do it. Had to turn the machine off three days later.”

He heartbreakingly added: “And then you’re left with this void, Deidre, it can’t be explained. I’ve lost a parent but this pain of losing my son, it’s just so hard and I’m talking to people called CRY, they’re amazing, Cardiac Risk in the Young. They give you peer support… the loss of a child and having to lay him to rest is unbelievable, please forgive me, my emotions.”