Toby Hayward-Seers Obituary

My son Toby Hayward-Seers, who has died aged 27 following a cardiac arrest, was an active trade union member. He was deeply committed to workers’ rights and international human rights throughout his short working life.

Toby was born at home in Lewisham, south-east London, to me and my partner, Mary Seers; he was our third child and a brother for Joseph and Ellen. I am a musician and music teacher, and Mary is a singer. Toby was educated at John Ball primary school in Blackheath and Thomas Tallis school in Greenwich. Music and football were important to him from an early age.

Toby brought people together with his calm, considerate manner and his love of food, music and sport. He enjoyed exploring new opportunities, never missing the chance to share his discoveries with others.

Read the full obituary here