On the 26th and 27th July 2014, Will Gilbey, Ali Leighton, Harry Sambrook, Michael Andrews, Richard Morton and myself Joel Mellmann, began our 48 hour cycling challenge to raise money in memory of Harry Faulkner. We decided to complete 1706km between the 6 of us on 2 stationary gym bikes, in teams of 3 at RAF Halton’s Tennis Centre. Whilst this was a very large distance to cover, 1706km is the distance from Harry’s grave in Little Gaddesdon to where he won his last squash tournament and this was a great target to aim for.
The lack of sleep and constant rotation of each person cycling made for a tough challenge, and with so much support from family and friends of Harry’s (who also managed to get a few stints on the bike) we saw the challenge off. Cycling in the early hours of the morning and in a room full of boys farting and sweating was certainly a new experience, and hopefully one not to be repeated!
In the weeks leading up to the challenge we really managed to get the fundraising going and by the time of completion we had successfully raised ยฃ1,793.58, this means we raised just over a ยฃ1 for every kilometre we completed, this was a tremendous effort by those giving and those cycling. The money raised is so important and makes a great difference, more money equals more screenings and hopefully more lives saved, we can only try and raise as much funding as possible. Combining the 48 hour challenge and the previous year’s 24 hour challenge means that ยฃ3,382.08 has been raised, this clearly signifies how loved Harry was by all who knew him. All 6 of us feel a tremendous sense of pride having completed the challenge, and more so knowing we have helped other young people get screened. Harry will always be in our hearts and thoughts, hopefully we can all live our lives in honour of Harry’s.
Berkhamsted school friends