Young People to Receive Heart Screenings in Memory of Miriam Lee

Northamptonshire Telegraph, 20th June 2019

Miriam Lee passed away at just 17 years old of an undiagnosed heart condition. Since her death in 2016, her mother, Nicola, has been raising funds for Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY). Having set up the Miriam Lee Memorial Fund with CRY, Nicola aims to provide ECG screenings for young people between the ages of 14 – 35. “Twelve young people die every week from undetected heart problems and virtually all of them have no symptoms. It often involves people who are very fit,” she said. “It’s so important that there’s something for young people and if we can save one life, or pick up one condition that could cause someone a problem, we’ll be happy.”

A screening for 100 young people costs around £5000 and Nicola has currently raised about £1800 through various fundraising activities. She is hoping to further supplement the fund through an upcoming Family Fun Day event which is set to be held between 2pm and 5pm on June 29 at the Ise Valley Scout Hut in Grantown Close, Kettering. “There are some specific conditions that the screening will pick up that a trip to a GP might not and it can pick things up that are genetic,” Nicola stated. “We don’t know whether it would have discovered what eventually caused Miriam’s death but these screenings undoubtedly save lives.” Read More