Tom Clabburn & Claire Prosser

The charity Cardiac Risk in the Young, CRY, say that 12 young people a week aged 14-35 die from undiagnosed heart conditions.
Our son and brother, Tom, was one of them. He died aged 14 in 2007. Tom’s mum, Claire, worked tirelessly for CRY. Sadly, Claire also died from a heart condition aged 54 on December 1, 2014.
This page is a tribute to both Tom and Claire. We are extremely grateful for the support our friends and supporters have given our Fund over the years and hugely thankful that this is continuing. You can read more about the Fund and how it supports CRY at
Take care,
Paul and Ellen x
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My Story
Tom Clabburn
Today should have been my son’s 15th birthday. Instead I am writing about life after Tom. Tom died in his sleep in October this year of an undiagnosed heart-related condition. He had been fit, active, healthy, doing well at school, bright and happy. We were not, in any way, prepared. This is not about my wife
Tom’s Story by Paul Clabburn (
Tom died in his sleep on Friday, October 5, 2007. He was 14. Unusually, he had felt unwell and been diagnosed with a virus the day before. I checked on him in the morning, glad he’d been catching up on his rest. I knew straight away that we’d lost him but I tried to save him.
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Julie Dobbin
Thank you for the screening today
Kate Bevan
Aoife Egan
John McCarthy
Cathrin Burton
Keep up the good work Paul and Ellen
Sam Railton