We lost our beloved son Jordan Bullock aged just 22, on the 29th of July 2014 to Sudden Adult Death Syndrome. On Sunday October 26th I decided to run the Bupa Great South Run in honour of him.
It was a lovely calm day in Portsmouth and a well organised event, my wife and eldest daughter came to support me with banners and vocal encouragement to help me round as it was a very emotional day.
While we were still struggling to come to terms with his sudden death this gave us something positive to focus on and raising money and awareness for C.R.Y helped us cope with the emptiness we feel. I felt we needed to do something to help raise awareness of this terrible form of young death as this can clearly happen to anyone. Jordan was such a healthy, energetic, fun loving young man who loved life and was rarely ill.
At this event we raised ยฃ459.