Charity money in Matthew's memory

Family and friends of a 29-year-old man who died from a rare heart condition have raised more than ยฃ7,000 for charity.

Over the past 12 months ยฃ7,906.68 has been raised for Cardiac Risk in the Young, CRY, In Matthew Wallbank’s name.

Former Blackburn College student Matthew died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, a condition where the heart goes into an irregular rhythm and stops functioni9ng as a working pump, causing heart failure.

He died last year on the morning of his friend’s wedding.

Matthew’s mum Lesley, dad Steven and sister Rebecca, of Northcliffe, Great Harwood, have been raising money since August last year.

CRY is a charity which raises awareness about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome and provides support for families who have suffered a bereavement.

Matthew’s nanna and granddad, Alice and Bill Fisher, raised ยฃ460 on their 60th wedding anniversary.

Matthew’s parents and his aunties June Harrold, Pamela Greenwood and Beryl McManus, took part in the Rotary Club of Church and Oswaldtwistle 4th Great Charity Walk, and the Matthew Steven Wallbank Memorial Dinner Dance, which raised ยฃ4,555.68.