Celebrity special in loving memory of Madeleine Mulcahey
Connie Hyde chose CRY as her charity for this Christmas Celebrity Special.
CRY has been presented with a cheque for ยฃ8000 from the show. Thank you.
Connie played “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” for The Madeleine Jane Mulcahey Memorial Fund, held with CRY. Connie was next door neighbour to The Mulcahey’s, and that is how she grew to know & love Madeleine, a beautiful vivacious active little girl who was only two years five months old when she died. Connie who plays the part of Kathy Bradshaw in “THE BILL”, decided when the opportunity came to go on the show that she would like to help her friends Jane & Hugh Mulcahey in their efforts to raise funds and awareness about CRY and it’s aims.
Before her death Madeleine had hardly ever been unwell. Her Mum had been reassured by three different doctors that the cold she had developed shortly before her tragic death was of no concern. On the 16th December 2000 Madeleine had breathing difficulties and was taken to the local District Hospital where she was treated for an asthma attack. Her parents were encouraged to go home and return in the morning but refused. Jane lay beside Madeleine on her bed, and Hugh on the floor.
Suddenly Madeleine sat up, pulled off all the monitors, said “Hug me” to her mummy and died of heart failure in the early hours of December 17th.
Madeleine had been seen by four doctors on the day she died but not one considered that she could have a heart problem.
It is believed that 8 young (under 35) people die each week of undiagnosed heart conditions.