19th September 2014
Our aim was to raise money to fund the purchase of a defibrillator to be available at our local football development centre where the Milton Branch of the North Staffs Lads and Dads play their home matches.
The day was a great success and we raised a fantastic amount of money, over ยฃ4000. We were lucky enough to actually have a defibrillator to be donated by our local Asda store when they heard about our plans! Because of the money raised during our event, we have also purchased a defibrillator to be used for away matches and also arranged for defibrillators for a local golf and cricket club and arranged for a large number of people to undertake training by West Midlands Ambulance Service which has further enhanced the safety of our local community.
We are now in a position to make our donation to CRY and are pleased to tell you that after all the defibrillators have been purchased / installed a total of ยฃ1635.00 is to be donated to your charity.
Sam Weaver