Dan Cooks family from Hartlepool set up fund to raise money for CRY

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Every week in the UK 12 apparently fit and healthy young people between the age of 14-35 die of an un diagnosed heart condition. We as a family along with Victor Aviation where Dan was director of sales; have partnered with the charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (CRY) in memory of our son.

CRY’s mission is to prevent young cardiac death through awareness, screening and research.

Dan was fit, health and full of vitality, yet his bright journey was abruptly cut short by an undiagnosed heart condition. His passing feel deeply un natural, yet amidst the heart ache we take solace in knowing there is no one to blame. For that we eternally grateful.

Dan can be best described as a singular work of art, a one of a kind magical soul, who lived a life as bold and beautiful as he was.