Dr Mihnea Casian

Mihnea Casian is a cardiology fellow in Inherited Cardiac Conditions Clinic, St. Georgeโ€™s University Hospital, London, and a PhD student of the Department of Cardiology in Bucharest (Prof. Dr. C. C. Iliescu; Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases, Bucharest and Expert Center for Rare Genetic Cardiovascular Diseases). He is passionate about inherited cardiac conditions, sports cardiology and understanding sudden cardiac death.

As he won a grant from the Romanian Society of Cardiology, he chose to train in Inherited Cardiac Conditions Clinic and Sports Cardiology at St. George’s University Hospital London, where his clinical practice and research activity revolve around athletes, individuals with cardiomyopathies and families of sudden cardiac death victims. Mihnea is part of the Media Taskforce of the ESC Council on Cardiovascular Genomics and EACVI HIT Education Taskforce.

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