Ealing screening in memory of Tom Clabburn and Claire Prosser

A total of 95 young people aged between 14-35 were screened by Cardiac Risk in the Young at the Florence Road surgery, Florence Road, Ealing, on Sunday, November 4.

The free screenings were sponsored by Tom and Claireโ€™s Fund.

Ellen Clabburn said: โ€œItโ€™s our tenth year of sponsoring such screenings, which is a tremendous tribute to the fund-raising efforts of the local community. Theyโ€™ve raised the money which enables the screenings to take place and be free at point of use. This simply wouldnโ€™t happen without people supporting the fund and itโ€™s hugely appreciated that they do so.

โ€œWeโ€™d like to thank the CRY team for their dedication and professionalism and, as ever, weโ€™re very grateful to Dr Evans and all those at Florence Road surgery for hosting the event.โ€

Paul Clabburn