Fundraising in memory of Dan Hughes

Baba Baboon, 9th March 2018

Dan Hughes passed away in 2015, aged 28 from Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS), and since then, his parents have been fundraising in his memory. The funds go towards CRY heart screening days for local young people. The family organised their first screening 2016 and continue to raise money for the Dan Hughes Memorial Fund.

Dan’s father, Dave Hughes, saidย โ€œWe set up a memorial fund with CRY in Danโ€™s name and since then weโ€™ve been raising funds to stage heart screening days for the benefit of the young people in our local community. We know this heart screening works as we have saved two young lives and had many more people referred for further tests for conditions they were unaware they had. The support weโ€™ve received from the local community has been incredible and very humbling, every penny we raise goes straight back into Dan’s fund to pay for more screening days. This means that people can actually see where their money is going and the benefit it has for local young people and their families.โ€

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