A group of family and friends ran/walked the Hydro Active 5k Women’s Challenge in Hyde Park on Sunday, 3rd September in memory of Adam Donnelly.
Apart from Sandra and Gabbie Clark, it was the first time any of us had attempted anything like this so it was a big personal challenge for all of us.
Thankfully, the day was not too hot. We set off early, and travelling on the train up to London, saw hundreds of other women doing the same thing.
Our CRY t-shirts were spotted by none other than Dr Sandeep Basavarajaiah (Research Fellow for CRY) who was travelling up and acting as one of the on-site doctors for the day.
We managed to persuade him to have his photo taken with some of us for inclusion on the CRY website and in the CRY magazine (right).
Unfortunately, Adam’s younger sister Sian could not run on the day because of a knee injury, but she came along to support the runners!
We managed to find the CRY representatives in Hyde Park who provided us all with a balloon to run along with. After finding our way to the starting line, we set off along with thousands of other women.
The thing that struck me most while there, was that every woman there had a story to tell as to why they were running for their particular charity.
We all completed the course – Adam’s older sister Lisa doing the best time at 35 minutes. I surprised myself and finished in 38 minutes. I’d like to think that now I’ve done it that I will definitely go back next year.
I’d like to give my thanks for all who came along and ran with me on the day – a plan that was hatched over dinner one night – I bet they thought I might forget their promises to do it!
I couldn’t have done it without them.
Running in memory of Adam were: Julie Donnelly, Lisa Donnelly, Lynn Lyons, Angela Adamson, Margaret Arthur, Sue Arthur, Rachel Hewitt, Cheryl Morgan, Nicky Williams, Sandra Clark and Gabbie Clark
The money is still coming in but between us so far, we have raised over ยฃ1,900 which is a fantastic amount.
Julie Donnelly