Kate Piddington and Anna Morecombe tackled the London to Paris Bike Ride to raise money for CRY in memory of Kate’s boyfriend Oliver Griffin who died suddenly in February 2008.
Kate and Anna’s progress was tracked and documented by Kate’s Auntie Sheila:
Evening all. This is Kate’s Auntie Sheila with the first update on the progress of our intrepid cyclists. This information comes via a live satellite link direct to our girls…..oh OK then, Kate rang me whilst in the queue to get on the ferry!
Our heroines set off this morning at 7.15am (I was with them in spirit, honest!!!) and set a cracking pace – well until the first hill was reached, when I believe a change of pace was necessary! They spent a total of 7 hours 40 minutes in the saddle and according to Kate, there are “way too many hills between London and Dover”! However, they were keen to point out that there are some good things about hills – i.e. the freewheeling down the other side of them!
They slogged on through the beautiful English countryside until eventually Dover came in to view. Direct quote here: “You have never seen people so happy to see Dover in your life!”
They cycled into the aforementioned port at 4.45pm – where the prospect of sitting down on something that didn’t have wheels attached, made them elated beyond belief!
So there you have it folks. They made it to Dover, in one piece. Their bums are sore, their legs are like jelly but they are in great form! Kate has only cried 3 times today – probably on the way up the 3 biggest hills! They have 5 miles to go once they arrive in France as their final destination is the Holiday Inn in Calais. Anyone want to take bets on who gets to the hot bath first?!
Tomorrow’s destination is Abbeville – an easy 80 mile jaunt! Keep your fingers crossed that the weather stays dry and that the wind is always at their backs. Kate has promised to text/phone tomorrow with another update. So until then this is Proud Auntie Sheila signing off.
Bonjour everybody. Well here I am again, bringing you up to date on what our intrepid girls are up to. But first things first…..who got to the hot water first last night? I have to report it was Kate – Anna took pity on her and let her use the facilities first. She is obviously a kind and generous soul – or Kate was so pongy she could bear it no longer! Draw your own conclusions, I am saying nothing! When I asked Kate who got to the “bath” first she misheard me and said “we didn’t go to the bar, we were soooooo tired!” Again, I am saying nothing!
Anyway, through the wonders of modern technology – Kate’s mobile – I have today’s report. Our heroines set off at 6.55am (local time) and I would like to report that the pace was fast and furious, but I am reliably informed that the 27 miles to the first water stop were very painful on the bum bones – so I am thinking, maybe not so fast and furious after all!
However, after the first stop, things improved – or their pain thresholds went up a notch and the bums were fine! They had a lunch stop after 43 miles – sorry, I have no idea what they had for lunch but I will check tomorrow – and then a 3rd water stop after 63 miles, before the final 12 miles to the Ibis Hotel in Abbeville, which they reached at 4.30pm (local time). So today’s mileage is a grand total of 75 miles, with 7 hours 33 minutes, in total, spent in their saddles – data supplied by Kate’s onboard bicycle computer (I had no idea such things existed!) . That’s the technical data over with – now on to the touchy feely stuff…….
The weather is lovely – maybe we should all move to France – warm and sunny for most of the day, although a little light rain fell just as they were nearing Abbeville. Whilst on the phone Kate was heard to exclaim “Wow! Cracking lines Anna!” When I enquired what it all meant I was told that Anna is a bit sunburnt and has some lovely white lines! By the time she gets home though she will look tanned and lovely, so I don’t think I will spend too long standing next to her!
There has only been one incidence of Kate crying – improvement on yesterday then – and that was at the top of a very steep hill. I think we can put that one down to “battle fatigue”! Talking of hills, Kate wishes it to be known that Anna cycled up every hill in her path today and did not resort to getting off and walking on any occasion. Kate, on the other hand, dismounted twice on uphill sections but wishes it to be known that she was not the only one!
The French countryside is beautiful and they have seen some lovely things. They are making friends with their fellow cyclists and the camaraderie is great. I think they are in serious danger of having a brilliant time!
Anna’s bike – Cog – and Kate’s bike – Claude – are standing up to the challenge magnificently. There have been bike casualties along the way, but Cog and Claude were not amongst them!
And now some messages from our girls: Anna says “Kate’s doing really well”. Kate promises that Anna was not paid to say that but she will be buying her a drink in the bar later! Kate says “More sponsorship please!” I looked on Just Giving before I started tonight’s report and I am pleased to say they have now reached ยฃ7045. Brilliant! Lets dig deep and get them over their target of ยฃ7500.
Anyway, time for me to sign off. Tomorrow sees Anna, Cog, Kate and Claude cycling from Abbeville to Beauvais – a mere 68 miles, or thereabouts. So, fingers crossed for the good weather to continue and the warm winds to blow softly at their backs. Until tomorrow, this is Proud Auntie Sheila saying ‘Adieu’ xxx
Bonjour mes amies – I feel sure that is not grammatically correct, but you get my gist! Here is Proud Auntie Sheila ready to update you with the latest on our intrepid heroines and to introduce some new characters…..Graham and John aka “my knights in shining armour”. Patience dear reader, all will be revealed…….
Today has been, to quote Kate, “a day of ups and downs” and I don’t think she was talking about the hills! Our girls had a late start – 8.25am (local time). When I enquired why, there was a long and convoluted explanation about having a “window” between 7 and 9am during which they could start. However, I think it was more to do with the fact it was raining! Anyway, they set off, from Abbeville, with their wee gang of 6 – 2 of whom are also riding for CRY, 1 for Amnesty International and 1 for their local hospice – and despite the rain, spirits were high and their laughter rang around the beautiful French countryside.
Then, at about 10 miles in, Claude decided to spice it up a bit and got his first puncture of the day, which was half way up a very steep hill! Enter the “knights in shining armour” Graham and John (who are incidentally part of the wee gang of 6). They stepped up to the challenge and set to repairing Claude – and soon Kate was on her way again…..for all of 10 metres! Something to do with not finding the flint which caused the 1st puncture (don’t ask me, I got confused at this point!). Anyway, in stepped the “KISAs” again (you surely don’t think I am going to type “knights in shining armour” every time I have to mention them do you? C’mon people work with me here!).
Anyway KISAs to the rescue and the Kate/Claude combo were soon on their way again. All this drama and we haven’t even reached the 1st water stop. “Where was Anna?” I hear you ask. She had soldiered on ahead, scouting the path and making sure there were no nasty spiky stones to further damage Claude! Anyway, Kate & Claude made it to the water stop, took on some liquid refreshment (anyone for Pimms?) and they found Anna had been sent on ahead. So what does Kate decide to do? She decides to go it alone to catch up, leaving the KISAs behind…..through the gorgeous French countryside she pedalled, thinking happy thoughts, when disaster struck! Claude had a complete hissy fit and got another puncture!!!! But this time it was “serious”. Something to do with inner tubes!
Back-up was called for called and it was whilst waiting for said back-up that Kate got the news that their welcoming committee was not going to be at the Eiffel Tower to cheer them in, due to the fire in the Channel Tunnel. Despite their best efforts to find alternative routes to Paris family and friends have been foiled at every turn. This has been a sad blow to morale and when the back-up ladies arrived (Girl Power!) they found Kate a sobbing wreck, having just spoken to her Mum and Dad. I should point out here that they didn’t make her cry on purpose, the moment just overcame her.
But she is made of stern stuff our Kate and whilst the recovery ladies were doing their stuff she gave herself a good talking to and good humour was restored. Claude’s puncture was fixed, however, when his tyre was being pumped up he grew another one! Yes readers that is 4 punctures in one morning!!! Anyway, he got fixed & the Kate/Claude combo finally made it to their lunch stop, where they were cheered in by those already there, which was a great boost to Kate’s flagging morale as was lunch (salad, pasta, bread, cheese and cake – see I told you I would find out!).
The afternoon was brilliant. The gang of 6 were reunited and stayed close. Lots of fun and laughter plus a couple more punctures – fortunately not Kate’s – the weather improved and they rolled in to Beauvais at about 5.30pm. 68 miles in total. Haven’t a clue about hours in the saddles as the onboard computer also had a bit of a wobbly and stopped working! Number of punctures suffered by gang of six? 8 and that was between 3 of them! Number of punctures suffered by Anna & Cog? Zero! Apparently Cog is fitted with armadillo tyres and “nothing gets through those mothers!” These are obviously something worth considering should you be contemplating a long distance cycle!
When I spoke to them this evening they were just going in for dinner. They are ready for the last leg tomorrow and hope to arrive in Paris between 4 and 5pm. Although the welcoming committee won’t be there, I know we will all be there in spirit with them! They were mightily cheered by the fact that when I looked at Just Giving tonight, they are only ยฃ395 short of their target! So come on folks, if you haven’t already done it, get sponsoring!
Messages from the girls tonight are from Kate: “thank you everyone for your support and keep donating!” and from Anna: “my feet hurt”. I suppose it makes a pleasant change from a sore bum!
So tomorrow is the last day of the cycle and I know that you will all be willing them on and hoping for good weather and the wind to always be behind them. Until tomorrow, this is Proud Auntie Sheila signing off. xxx
Bonjour mes amies – still incorrect but never mind! The big news of the day is ……THEY MADE IT!!!!! Anna and Cog, Kate and Claude – they are all there in Paris! No injuries, no drama, no more punctures, just 2 happy, very proud girls and their long suffering bikes! YES!!!!!
Anyway, now that we have all taken a moment to cheer and stamp like maniacs, let’s get on with today’s news.
They left Beauvais at 8.20am. They had a lovely day, lots of jolly camaraderie stuff and a fair number of big hills to boot! Kate wishes it to be known that she didn’t have to get off and push on any of the hills, so she is an obvious candidate for next year’s Tour de France!
They must have set a cracking pace because at some point before lunch they stopped at a cafe for hot chocolate! But they are at pains to point out that it was only hot choc, they didn’t want to spoil their lunch! Lunch was at the side of a river (pasta, salad, bread, cheese and cake!) and was lovely and then they set off on their final leg. It’s all sounding a bit like a holiday now, might give it a go myself!
They arrived in a “holding area”, which was a park somewhere in the outskirts of Paris, at 3pm and waited for all the cyclists to arrive so that they could cycle en masse to their final destination – the Eiffel Tower. Once everyone was assembled, they rode in to town, like the heroines/heroes they are, to the sound of car hoots, cheering and general rabble rousing!!! It was an amazing experience! Once at the Eiffel Tower, there was lots of emotion from both Anna and Kate, plus lots of hugging and kissing!
There was a welcoming committee, despite the best efforts of the non-operational Eurostar. Janet, Kate’s PGCE Director was there, along with Olly’s friend Arthur (from Caen) and uni friends Jim and Jess, all there to cheer our heroines on – lots more hugging and kissing ensued!
So they made it – as we always knew they would. They are now living it up, on the 15th floor of a Paris Hotel. Once Kate has got the oil off her legs they will be going up to the panoramic terrace bar, on the 23rd floor, to open a bottle of champagne. This champagne has a story behind it. When Olly went to Paris, to have a look around when he was offered the chance of working there, he brought Kate back a bottle of champagne, which they never got the chance to share. Tonight, Kate and Anna are going to crack it open, toast Olly, who was after all the reason behind this whole mad, wonderful journey, and also toast their fantastic achievement – I think we should all do the same, wherever we are!
To celebrate everyone getting to Paris, the whole group is going out to a posh restaurant to feast. I am sure that they may also sample some of the excellent local wine too. Fortunately they don’t have to be up early tomorrow morning and they most definitely do not have to ride their bikes! Actually Cog and Claude have gone on alone and are now, even as I write, en route for London, where they will be reunited with Kate and Anna tomorrow evening.
So highs and lows? Kate’s lows were the big hills on the first 2 days and the punctures yesterday. Her highs were meeting fantastic new people and managing to get to the top of hills without stopping! Also, she managed to do it all without once donning lycra!!! Anna wasn’t around to tell me her highs and lows but I feel sure there will be an update next week! They are talking about their next challenge already……possibilities include Land’s End to John O’Groats and the Great Wall Of China – not in the same week though!
So there you have it folks. They have been and gone and done it! This is the final update from yours truly. I would just like to take this opportunity of thanking Anna and Kate for letting me chronicle their adventure, I have had a ball! I would also like to say raise a glass (or cup of tea!) to Olly, a top bloke, and to our intrepid heroines, Anna and Kate – Cheers!
This is a very, very proud (and a little emotional) Auntie Sheila signing off. Byeeeeeee xxxxx
PS total mileage today – 53 miles. Hours in saddle? Not a clue, on board computer still dodgy!
Update from Kate Piddington:
In terms of fundraising, so far we have raised ยฃ7,520 from the cycle ride itself but we have more coming in. Olly’s sister Francesca has set up a memorial fund in his memory and we have the cycle money going in, plus his friends did the Windsor half marathon for CRY and raised nearly ยฃ3,000, plus there is a quiz night coming up in a few weeks and the last one raised about ยฃ800 so we’re hoping to have ยฃ11,000 or so in there soon.
You can still sponsor Kate and Anna for completing the London to Paris Bike Ride, by going to www.justgiving.com/forolly