On the 26th June 2011 friends and family held a memorial party with an auction in the memory of James Love-Smith who passed away suddenly from aortic stenosis (faulty heart valve) on the 27th June 2009, at the age of 16.
“The memorial party was held in the ‘Bell by the green’ pub, we would like to say a special thank you to the landlord Paul McDonald and his staff for the help and support on the night. Also we would like to thank Morrison Cooper for organising the event, which we know took a lot of time and effort as he collected all of the football memorabilia and the prizes for the raffle, thank you very much Morrison.
After the party we gathered outside and let some lanterns go, everybody was generous on the night and all donated money into the collection boxes which was spaced out around the pub, lots of tears but also many smiles of good memories; we all miss James very much.”
Valerie Moffat
The party raised a wonderful £628.02 in James’s memory