October – by Richard Walker


October, and the end of summer memories
A reminder now, when warm the sun shines
In those clear cloudless skies
A view across the open fields
Where new the furrows lie

These days, shorter now, but loved by all
The autumn is before us when golden leaves will fall
The forest, changed from its summer cloak
Now begins its rest, awaiting winter winds
To shed itโ€™s dying canopy

Black fruits among the hedgerows
Beckon birds to feed
The tall, now dying grasses, offering their seed
There is a busy preparation
A โ€˜making readyโ€™ for winter snows.

These old train lines rusting and forlorn
Still upon their sleepers and leading nowhere.
The very last wagon now is just a shell
Standing by itself, stranded, no more movement here
A bramble, climbing solid iron wheels.

People walking, theyโ€™re just passing by
Taking in the view, to the village on the hill
To the tower of the church, weather vane, and flag
The sound of far off bells, bring alive this bright new morning
In October, with my memories still burning!

Note: On a bright October day along the Colliers Way cycle path between Bath, Radstock and Frome, on the site of the old railway line, (the actual lines are still in place along several miles of the route) how nice a day it was, warm sunshine and lovely country views, what could be wrong with such a day? Nothing, but in my mind as always I am reminded of my son and all that could have been.

Richard Walker, October 2007