I was very pleased to be asked if I could attend Pfizer Pharmaceuticals’ Headquarters at Tadworth where they were holding a Fun Sports Day and wanted to give some of their proceeds to CRY.
I was a bit nervous as it was my first job as a CRY County Representative but my daughter Lucy – who is a teacher, and who has a defibrillator fitted – offered to come with me.
We were made very welcome and soon set up our display. Pfizer employ a huge number of young people and we were soon chatting happily to them and handing out CRY leaflets.
A lot of them were sporty and were not aware of the number of deaths every week of people their age. One young lady in particular had been advised to have a defibrillator fitted and was quite reassured when Lucy chatted to her and she could see that it didn’t interfere with her life.
For this reason alone it was well worth going.
The organisers said they would advertise the forthcoming screening event round the building which is being held in Reigate on October 19th.
It was an ideal opportunity to raise the profile of CRY and I would be pleased to do it again.
Rosemary Attridge