Son's sad legacy (dad has same rare disease that killed his lad)

A dad whose talented footballer son died from a rare disease has been told he has the same condition.

Roger Maddams, 47, could have a heart attack at any moment due to Sudden Unexpected Death Syndrome – which killed son Jack, 17, in his sleep.

Heartbroken Roger was offered emergency tests for the condition along with wife Janet, 48, and son Rob, 20.

The rest of the family was given the all-clear.

Finance director Roger said yesterday: “We all had blood tests, electrocardiogram heart tests and walked on a treadmill.ย It was very thorough.

“It’s devastating.ย But I don’t want to express how I felt after I was told I had the same condition.ย I amย focused on raising money in Jack’s memory – that’s what I am concentrating on.

“As a family we just want to promote awareness of the condition.

“But I have been told not to raise my body temperature.ย I was a marathon runner but I’ve stopped now.”

A star pupil, Jack, of Wigmore, Kent, was spotted, aged eight, by scouts from League Two club Gillingham FC.

He captained his county at schoolboy level and was an England under-18s hopeful.

A 48-team tournament in Strood today will raise cash for charity Cardiac Risk in the Young – which paid for the family’s screening at London’s King’s College Hospital.

England captain John Terry has donated a signed shirt.