Team trek is tribute to Chris

A team will tomorrow undertake a 40-mile trek through rugged Cumbrian countryside in memory of a keen sportsman who died tragically aged 25.

The seven members of “Team Jedi” have christened their Keswick to Barrow challenge ‘A Walk for Chris Haw’, after the young man whose life was claimed by Brugada Syndrome last July.

Among their number will be Chris’ dad, local fire-fighter Steve Haw, and all sponsorship money raised will be donated to the charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young).

Steve, 44, said CRY works to raise awareness about conditions such as Brugada Syndrome – a condition that leads to increased risk of sudden cardiac death – and provide assistance to families.

Steve said: “Something like eight young people a week are dying suddenly without any symptoms.

“It’s a horrific figure.ย And it hardly gets highlighted, only at high profile times such as when the former Manchester City player Marc-Vivien Foe collapsed in the middle of a match four years ago.”

Chris, from Landsdowne Road, collapsed on June 3, 2006, at Man to Man menswear store in Lord Street, where he worked alongside studying for a business and marketing degree at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk.

More than 700 people paid their respects to the popular student at his funeral at Holy Trinity Church.

Steve said that himself, Chris’ mum Lesley, brother Jack, 17, and sister Jeni, 20, had all been tested and supported by renowned consultant cardiologist Dr Sanjay Sharma, and his staff at The Lewisham Hospital in London.

The other Team Jedi members are Steve and Diane Birchall, Darren Askew, Ian MacDonald, Gary Andrews and Phil Barton.

Steve Birchall completed the Keswick to Barrow Challenge last year and it was he who gave Steve Haw the idea of ‘A Walk for Chris.’

Steve Birchall, a director of Halsall-based Care Concern NW Ltd, said: “It’s a walk through beautiful countryside, with about 30 per cent on all-terrain.

“It’s a cracking event and is difficult but achievable.”

A number of fundraising events in Chris’ memory have already taken place around the town, including ‘The Jedi Festival’ – a musical tribute organised by Ross Perkins and Ritchie Hardie from the Underground bar – and the Liverpool-Leeds canal bike ride by dad Steve and Chris’ friends Tom Fletcher, Nicky Wilde, Steve Aspin and George Cutts.

Sponsorship is still being accepted by Team Jedi.ย If you want to pledge to CRY, call Steve Haw on 07838 655 624, or email

[email protected]