The Third Phil Standing Memorial CRY Screening Clinic at Mountbatten School

Photos courtesy of The Romsey Advertiser.

Tuesday February 12th saw the 3rd CRY screening event arranged in memory of my son Phil Standing. It was as always a well organised, efficient and friendly day. Jason and his team were superb and informative, putting the 102 students who attended at their ease.

This event was able to take place because of the fund raising efforts of the staff and students of the Mountbatten School, family and friends. Head of RE Kelly Brooks encouraged, empowered and energised staff and pupils into many fundraising activities. She herself took part in the Mallorcan Iron Man, raising over a ยฃ1,000. Staff took part in Marathons, half Marathons, and, in particular, 40 staff did the Wolf Run in Ashdown Forest. Staff and students โ€œWalked the Test Wayโ€; a 25 mile walk on the wettest day of the year! The students organised cake bakes, sponsored activities, and a non-uniform day. In particular, one student had her hair cut off and sent it to the Little Princess Trust and raised over ยฃ600 for CRY.

It was an amazing effort to raise the ยฃ5,000 needed and I thank everybody for their efforts.  Sue Fisher