“Shortly after the sudden death of my son Christopher I began to write out my feelings in this way, and have, in the first two years following his death, written well over 100 poems. I am now in the process of linking many of them with an image, creating the ‘Verse & Image’ set on Flickr.”
Richard Walker
Some examples from Richard’s ‘Verse & Image’ Flickr set are presented below; the full set can be seen here.
And still my troubles, trouble me,
And time not eased my pain.
I wonder if I will again,
Find a life to please me,
Find a life to ease me,
Find my life again.
Richard Walker, 2005
“Recalling the feelings I had (and still have) after hearing the news of the death of my son on Jan 8th 2005.”
See Richard’s full ‘Verse & Image’ Flickr setย here.
Anger (A Poem)
Anger brews a sullen cord,
Someone came who brought discord.
The day distracted, over acted,
Anger, became impacted.
Anger, the destructive force,
Anger brings the broken coarse.
Anger is the blight on life,
Anger brings a perilous knife.
Bow not to this ferocious force,
Do not join its malicious source.
Stay back from its violent way,
Control the feeling that within you sway.
Stay composed and fight with vigour,
Complex thoughts suggest decoy.
Seek support, put on your armour,
Defeat this anger, let it not destroy.
Poem: Richard Walker, 2005
Image: Anger Management Watford
“Anger is an inevitable result in many cases of deep loss and grief, it happened to me and I dealt with it by writing about my feeling in the form of poems and verse, which I linked to an appropriate image.”
See Richard’s full ‘Verse & Image’ Flickr setย here.
Still A Blackbird Sings
At the rising of the sun
And at the closing of the day
After heartache and sorrow
After joy and after pain
When all hope seems lost
And your way is not found
Still the Blackbird sings
When the storm of life is raging
And our trials are laid before us
When in grief our hearts are breaking
And the days before us lie in darkness
When friends no longer call you
And no laughter can be heard
Still a Blackbird sings
Its song of hope is on the wind
And into your mind it seeps
To become a beacon
To redress the drift
And bring peace into our life
So move a step away from darkness
And listen to its song
Poem: Richard Walker, Sept 2008
Image: Planet SHHH
“Sometimes in our lives it is necessary to become aware of the natural way, look for the examples that surround you and take them in for the betterment of our souls. After the death of my son I discovered that no matter how dreadful I felt, the world still went on, and the Blackbird still sang its song!”
See Richard’s full ‘Verse & Image’ Flickr setย here.
Now and Forever
For you in this year and all those years to come: –
I give you my heart,
I give my soul,
I give you my all,
My friendship and my love.
For you in times of stress,
You have my support,
You have my accord,
My home and my warmth.
For you in your grief,
You have my comfort,
My tears I shed for you,
My time I give to you, all as you need
For you in happier times,
I share with you my laughter,
My hand and my smile,
And for you that extra mile
For you, and in your life,
You can count on me,
I will be there when you call,
And help you should you fall
For now and forever,
Our shadows will not part
(Marked dark upon the earth by the shining sun)
And even though we are apart,
We will always be as one.
Poem: Richard Walker, November 2007
This great image was taken by my daughter-in-law Karelle Walker along the Cornish coast.
“When my son was with us he knew that our love for him was unending. Much was understood without the saying of it. He is not with us now, but in some ways it makes no difference, that love we had for him, and he for us, cannot be withdrawn, it is set into the stars, where one day it will come together again.”
See Richard’s full ‘Verse & Image’ Flickr setย here.