CRY Update Magazine 75

CRY Update 75 reports on all CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2018. We experienced a host of highlights through this four-month period. In March, our screening programme surpassed a total of 150,000 young people screened, which is an incredible milestone for us to reach. Furthermore, to discuss our progress and the importance

Research into sudden cardiac death in adolescent footballers Q&A with Dr Aneil Malhotra

How did you conduct your study? This study sought to investigate the incidence and causes of sudden cardiac death in adolescent football players in the UK. The English Football Association cardiac screening programme enabled us to study a well-defined population of over 11,000 scholar footballers in a systematic way. The study itself was conducted across three

Sudden Cardiac Death In Elite Footballers Higher Than Anticipated

• One in 50 players had a heart abnormality that needed ongoing monitoring • Almost three quarters of footballers diagnosed were able to return to play • The FA continues to provide vital insight into screening policy in sport and has invested more than £3.1 million into its screening programme After a heroic effort in Russia

British Cardiovascular Society Conference 2018 – Dr Steven Cox

Once again the team of Cardiac Risk in the Young doctors led by Professor Sanjay Sharma have had a massive impact at the British Cardiac Society conference this week. Some of the highlights included presentations from Prof Sharma, Dr Michael Papadakis, Dr Elijah Behr, Dr Sabiha Gati and Dr Aneil Malhotra. But the real highlight for

The Diagnostic Yield of Brugada Syndrome After Sudden Death With Normal Autopsy Michael Papadakis, Efstathios Papatheodorou, Greg Mellor, Hariharan Raju, Rachel Bastiaenen, Yanushi Wijeyeratne, Sara Wasim, Bode Ensam, Gherardo Finocchiaro, Belinda Gray, Aneil Malhotra, Andrew D’Silva, Nina Edwards, Della Cole, Virginia Attard, Velislav N. Batchvarov, Maria Tome-Esteban, Tessa Homfray, Mary N. Sheppard, Sanjay Sharma and Elijah R. Behr The Diagnostic Yield of Brugada Syndrome After Sudden Death

Response by Merghani et al to Letters Regarding Article, ‘Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease in Masters Endurance Athletes With a Low Atherosclerotic Risk Profile.’

Ahmed Merghani, Viviana Maestrini, Stefania Rosmini, Andrew T. Cox, Harshil Dhutia, Rachel Bastiaenan, Sarojini David, Tee Joo Yeo, Rajay Narain, Aneil Malhotra, Michael Papadakis, Mathew G. Wilson, Maite Tome, Khaled AlFakih, James C. Moon, Sanjay Sharma Response by Merghani et al to Letters Regarding Article, ‘Prevalence of Subclinical Coronary Artery Disease in Masters Endurance Athletes With

Inter-Rater Reliability and Downstream Financial Implications of Electrocardiography Screening in Young Athletes

Background—Preparticipation screening for cardiovascular disease in young athletes with electrocardiography is endorsed by the European Society of Cardiology and several major sporting organizations. One of the concerns of the ECG as a screening test in young athletes relates to the potential for variation in interpretation. We investigated the degree of variation in ECG interpretation in athletes