Update Magazine Issue 66

Read Update 66 online here. The CRY Update is the charityโ€™s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supportersโ€™ fundraising over the preceding months.

Update Magazine Issue 67

Read Update 67 online here. The CRY Update is the charityโ€™s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supportersโ€™ fundraising over the preceding months.

Update Magazine Issue 68

Read Update 68 online here. The CRY Update is the charityโ€™s newsletter, reporting on CRY news and events, cardiac screenings, breaking developments in medical research and CRY supportersโ€™ fundraising over the preceding months.

Update Magazine Issue 76

Read Update 76 here CRY Update 76 reports on all news, events and fundraising from May to August 2018. We had plenty of highlights in all areas through the summer. CRYโ€™s research continues to make an impact, including Dr Aneil Malhotraโ€™s paper on the incidence and causes of young sudden cardiac death in adolescent footballers, which

CRY Update Magazine 75

CRY Update 75 reports on all CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2018. We experienced a host of highlights through this four-month period. In March, our screening programme surpassed a total of 150,000 young people screened, which is an incredible milestone for us to reach. Furthermore, to discuss our progress and the importance

Market Drayton 10k

Our team are all of differing ages from early 20’s to me at 61 (photo bottom left) and very different abilities The best time was 47 minutes, with another three within the hour; I brought up the rear at 1 hour 11 minutes, in which I was personally very pleased with as I hadnโ€™t done any

Heartfelt Team take on Market Drayton 10K in memory of Adam Green

Midlands Running Guide, 14th May 2018 The team took on the run among two thousand other runners in memory of Adam Green. Tom Green, Adam’s father has been raising money for CRY since 2012, raising ยฃ30,000 to date to go towards screenings for local young people in Market Drayton. Read more

CRY Update Magazine 73

Read Update 73 here. CRY Update 73 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from May to August 2017. In June, CRY launched a new version of its main website. The site immediately saw the number of visitors double in the first month and has consistently recorded more visitors per month than before the

Adam Green screening

201 young people were screened at the Ashley Memorial Hall, Market Drayton in memory of Adam Green on the 8th & 9th April 2017.

CRY Update Magazine 72

Read Update 72 here. CRY Update 72 reports on all the CRY news, events and fundraising from January to April 2017. February saw over 20 yearsโ€™ worth of CRY research help to inform new international ECG guidelines for screening athletes, led by CRY Consultant Cardiologist Professor Sanjay Sharma. Our work is making a difference and gaining